To redeem your voucher, first click the redeem button in the sidebar of your home dashboard. This will take you to the redemption terminal:
Note: The voucher code is found in the confirmation email.
Note: The redeem terminal only takes voucher code not order numbers.
Input the exact voucher code and press find voucher.
This will show you what the voucher is for, the exact voucher code, its validity status and the remaining balance for monetary vouchers.
A voucher that is not valid will display like this:
Click on the voucher for further details. If the voucher is for an experience with enhancements, these can be redeemed together or seperately where that makes sense. See here for multiple item redemption and here for monetary redemption.
Once you have clicked on the specific voucher you will see further details; These details include, the valid from and valid to dates, and which days of the week the gift experience can be used.
When you're happy with all the details, press the redeem button and you'll be met with a success screen:
Press next customer to redeem the next voucher or go back to results to go back to the voucher details.