Redeeming multiple Items

  1. Overview
  2. Redemption
  3. Redeeming multiple Items

Redeeming multiple items is similar to single item redemption.  Products with multiple redemption options may include products which can be redeemed multiple times, like a 10 use gym pass, or more commonly is an item where an enhancement has been purchased.

When you input a voucher code with multiple items attached you will have the option to redeem them together or one at a time. 


To redeem them one at a time, simply click the individual product window, this will bring up further information on the specific part of that voucher. 


When you have redeemed one, or all items contained within the voucher code you will be met with the normal successful redemption screen. 



If there are any remaining items within that voucher code, they will remain on the same voucher code. 


The next time you go to redeem further parts of that voucher, the parts that have been used will show as not valid (redeemed) and the parts that can still be used will show as valid. 


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